03 Mar 2023
The power of affirmations

Gabriella Florence | Sports Scientist
You’re not alone if negative self-talk takes over your mind at times with unwanted thoughts and images. Fortunately, there’s an effective self-help technique that aims to challenge these negative thoughts and emotions: reciting affirmations. Also, you can practise this technique anywhere, any time. Let’s explore.
Self-affirmations are phrases that highlight your core personal values and often relate to your strengths, competencies, and uniqueness. When recited daily, affirmations can be a source of motivation and a wonderful way to express self-love and appreciation. They can also improve several aspects of your wellbeing.
According to one study, reciting affirmations increases activity in the parts of your brain associated with reward and self-related information processing (evaluation of information that is personally relevant to you). In terms of the benefits for your wellbeing, research has shown that reciting affirmations lowers stress levels, improves cognitive performances, boosts self-esteem, increases feelings of happiness and gratitude, and makes you more committed to healthy behaviour change.
You may wonder how affirmations actually work, and part of the answer lies with neuroplasticity: your brain’s amazing ability to change its structure and function based on specific circumstances. Simply put, repeating affirmations creates a mental image of your goals and aspirations and activates parts of your brain associated with achieving these goals in reality. However, you still need to put in the work. Without actions, affirmations are nothing more than a string of words - and words can’t make behaviour change a reality.
While there’s no strenuous work involved in writing affirmations, there are four principles to consider:
Make your affirmations specific to your aspirations and goals.
Write them down in the present tense.
Repeat them daily.
Truly believe what you’re saying.
If you’re looking for inspiration, here are examples of affirmations you can recite every day:
“I am happy and grateful for the things I have"
“I am strong and proud of how far I have come”
“I am kind and no one can take that away from me"
“There is no one better to be than myself"
“I am diligent and committed to achieving my goals"
Can you think of your own? Write them down, repeat them, believe in them, and achieve them.